Our Visions:
- In-depth understanding of matter and energy at the nano/atomic level
- Manipulating and creating materials atom(s) by atom(s)
- Carbon builds the future technology
Research Interests
- In situ electron microscopy and its applications to nanotechnology and methodology
- Developing new in situ TEM/SEM techniques to explore and tailor the electrical, mechanical, optical, thermal, and electrochemical properties of individual nanostructures.
- TEM-based additive, subtractive and equal material nano-manufacturing; Atomic Manufacturing.
- "Simulative" TEM characterization based on artifical strcutral models to reveal the evolution of battery materials in confined spaces.
We have two cutting-edge in situ characterization platforms based on TEM and SEM respectively, which allow for a comprehensive study of materials from structural visualization/analysis to property measurement/tailoring, and even nanoarchitecture creation.
- Advanced energy storage materials and devices
- Design and fabrication of novel micro-nano materials for electrochemical energy storage
- Electrochemical energy storage devices (such as Li, Na, K-ion batteries, metal batteries, solid-state batteries, supercapacitors)
- Micro-device fabrication and test based on in-situ TEM/SEM techniques.
Research strategy and roadmap
- 纳米/原子尺度上对物质和能量现象的深层理解
- 材料的原子级精度加工与创制
- 碳构筑未来科技
- 原位电镜表征方法学与精准纳米/原子制造
- 发展基于透射和扫描电镜的原位物性测量和调控技术,用于单个纳米结构的电,力,光,热及电化学等性能的表征和精确控制。
- TEM纳米增材,减材,等材制造;TEM原子制造
- 利用人工结构模型来模拟限域空间中电池材料演变的“模型化”原位电镜研究方法。
- 先进储能材料和器件
- 用于电化学储能的新型微纳米材料的设计和制备
- 电化学储能器件(锂/钠/钾离子电池,金属电池,固态电池,超级电容器)
- 基于原位透射和扫描电镜的超微器件的制备及其构效关系研究